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Road safety professionals - how you can support Road Safety Week

Brake values enormously its partnerships with road safety coordinators, emergency services personnel, driving instructors, health professionals and other road safety professionals. You are at the frontline of road safety work year-round. Road Safety Week gives you an opportunity to link your work to a national event, to help you gain extra publicity, and provide you with additional resources to support the great work you already do.

A national event like Road Safety Week can help bring media attention to your initiatives, raising your profile and getting your message out to the public.

Get your action pack of tips, ideas and downloadable resources to use during the Week:

Access Road Safety Week resources

Free action pack
Sign up for a free electronic action pack full of downloadable resources and activity ideas.

Hard copy resources
In addition to the electronic action pack, you can order low-cost hard copy resources for your activities.

Interactive games
Access our free interactive games.

Go Yellow

Brake is a member of the Yellow Ribbon Road Safety Alliance, which supports Road Safety Week and aims to raise awareness of road safety through use of the colour yellow. An easy way to get involved in Road Safety Week is to Go Yellow! Dress up in yellow, wear a yellow ribbon pin or display a yellow ribbon. Get more ideas to go yellow.

Ways to get involved

Register for Road Safety Week and we'll send you a free, online action pack, full of advice, ideas and activities to help you get involved. 

There are lots of different ways to take part in Road Safety Week. Read on for some suggestions.

  • Read more about this year's theme.

  • Celebrate your local Road Safety Heroes with an event, award, or through social media. You could also nominate them for the national Road Safety Hero Award and/or to be recognised online during the week. Find out more.

  • Support your local schools to get involved in the Road Patrol Superhero Day.

  • Run an awareness campaign on social media asking people to share their views on the safety of streets in their community, and pledge to use roads more safely.

  • Support local schools, nurseries and colleges to run Road Safety Week activities. Many road safety teams help promote activities for nurseries, schools and colleges, such as Beep Beep! Days for kids aged 2 to 7, and Brake Bright Days, which remind drivers to slow down and watch out for pedestrians. We also encourage educators to contact their local road safety officer for information on school travel plans, pedestrian and cyclist training, and road engineering issues. Read our information for educators.

  • Raise awareness of local initiatives through a media photo call and press release. A template is provided in the action pack and to help you brand a photo call, Brake offers low-cost promotional resources, such as t-shirts. We can customise these with your branding if you let us know in advance.

  • Print and display the free posters in your action pack in your workplace or community. 

  • Run information sessions for staff, or what about a fun activity such as a road safety quiz throughout the week, with prizes for the winners.

  • Take part in one of our great fundraising activities to support Brake's vital work campaigning for safe and healthy mobility for all and supporting people affected by road death and serious injury.

  • Encourage people to make the Brake Pledge.

Run partnership community awareness activities

Use our flagship national event to work with your partners to deliver community awareness activities: demonstrate the dangers of drink-driving or speeding with a town-centre roadshow; work with a local haulage company to demonstrate truck blind spots to cyclists; or tour schools to talk about staying safe on roads.

Run a road safety event and fundraise for Brake

Every week people are killed and seriously injured on our roads. Each crash is a tragedy, each death and serious injury is preventable.

Brake's vision is a world with zero road deaths and serious injuries where everyone moves in a safe and healthy way, as part of our normal day. Help us achieve this goal by supporting us through fundraising or a donation.

View our community campaign kit for ideas on generating media coverage for fundraising and road safety awareness activities that you're running.

Make some noise

Whatever you’re planning for Road Safety Week, make sure you let others know about it! There will be plenty of graphics and tools for social media in your action pack, so register now and let us know what you are planning to do. 


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