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Children and young people are at the heart of Road Safety Week!

Are you a teacher, youth worker, or early-childhood educator? Then register now to take part in RSW!

All children and young people use roads so it's the perfect topic for a project that can really engage them as well as save their lives, while also meeting curriculum goals. Road Safety Week is a great time to tie your activities to a national event, and kick-start campaigns in your area.

Access Road Safety Week resources

Free action pack
Sign up for a free electronic action pack full of downloadable resources and activity ideas.

Hard copy resources
In addition to the electronic action pack, you can order low-cost hard copy resources for your activities.

Interactive games
Access our free interactive games.

Go Yellow

Brake is a member of the Yellow Ribbon Road Safety Alliance, which supports Road Safety Week and aims to raise awareness of road safety through use of the colour yellow. An easy way to get involved in Road Safety Week is to Go Yellow! Dress up in yellow, wear a yellow ribbon pin or display a yellow ribbon. Get more ideas to go yellow.

Activity Ideas

For all ages

  • Celebrate Road Safety Heroes - nominate someone for the Road Safety Hero Award, and/or to be recognised on social media and online for their work to make roads safer. Find out more. Celebrate your own road safety heroes e.g. thanking your school crossing patrol, inviting your local police officer, or someone from Fire and Emergency or ambulance service to come in and talk about how they help keep people safe.

  • Read about this year's theme.

  • Make a road safety display using the free posters and other resources in the action pack.

  • Mention Road Safety Week and promote road safety in newsletters, websites and/or on social media. Use #RoadSafetyWeek.

  • Integrate road safety learning into curriculum lessons, e.g. drama, geography. For more information on bringing road safety into the classroom visit our Teacher Zone. You can also use NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi’s education resources.

  • Run a local campaign to make improvements to the safety of a road in your area. Read our community campaign guide.

  • Have a special guest in to talk about road safety, for example, a police officer, or drama group.

  • Fundraise by running a Brake Bright Day (when everyone turns up wearing something yellow or other bright colours in return for a donation!) to help us continue to provide free support resources for bereaved families.

  • Fundraise for Brake in another way. View a range of fundraising ideas.

For early years

  • Run a Beep Beep! Day in your centre or at home, teaching children how to be a road safety hero through activities, songs and games to help parents and children stay safe.

  • Talk about road safety, read a road safety story or sing a road safety song.

  • Teach that traffic is dangerous and holding hands is important.

  • Send a flyer or newsletter to parents about road safety.

For primary and intermediate schools

  • Join in our Road Patrol Superhero Day.

  • Talk about road safety in assemblies or hold a special road safety assembly or open event for parents, in person or virtually.

  • Use our hands-up survey for 5-11 year olds to get students' opinions on road safety in your area and use the results to devise some activities for the Week.

  • Talk to your local council's road safety coordinator or community police officer about road safety and any activities happening in your local area.

  • Send a special flyer/newsletter to parents about road safety.

  • Challenge the children to create a road safety poster/leaflet/banner/film/play.

  • Organise a media photo call. Find out from your local council the number of people killed and injured on your region's roads last year. Arrange for that number of people to lie down in the shape of that number somewhere safe (e.g. a school playground).

For high schools, colleges and youth groups

  • Challenge the young people to create posters/leaflets/banner/video/play or campaign to show other students how they can be a road safety hero.

  • Use the online or hard-copy quiz to test students’ knowledge, then get them to add their own quiz questions.

  • Talk about road safety in your assemblies or hold a special road safety assembly or open event for parents.

  • Organise a media photo call. Find out from your local council the number of people killed and injured on your region's roads last year. Arrange for that number of people to lie down in the shape of that number somewhere safe (e.g. a school playground).

Don't forget to register to tell us what you're planning so we can feature your activities.

Support Brake's work

Every week people are killed and seriously injured on our roads. Each crash is a tragedy, each death and serious injury is preventable.

Brake's vision is a world with zero road deaths and serious injuries where everyone moves in a safe and healthy way, as part of our normal day. Help us achieve this goal. Donate today!


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