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Road Patrol Superhero Day

Wednesday 14 May 2025

We are celebrating school road patrols and how they help to keep students safe as part of Road Safety Week 2025 with a Road Patrol Superhero Day.

It's easy to get involved; simply encourage your road patrol students to dress up on that day.

There will be resources in the free Road Safety Week action pack to help you promote the day to students and parents/carers.

To sign up, register for Road Safety Week, and tick the box in the list of activities to Get involved in the Road Patrol Superhero Day

Already registered for Road Safety Week? Email to let us know you're planning to take part in the Road Patrol Superhero Day.

Dress up ideas

We know your road patrollers will be wearing their hi-vis, but you can encourage them to dress up as superheroes on this day and wear their hi-vis vest over the top. They could dress up as:

  • Road Safety Heroes - e.g. police, fire, ambulance, road worker, doctor, nurse or cyclist.

  • Superheroes - their favourite superhero from a movie or book.

  • Capes - you can buy capes in an array of colours, including fluorescent/hi-vis. If using capes, please be aware of weather conditions and the possibility of capes getting caught on other items.

  • Yellow - the Yellow Ribbon Road Safety Alliance uses the colour yellow to raise awareness of road safety. Your students could all dress in yellow to help raise awareness.

Activity ideas

You could also incorporate other activities into your Superhero Day, for example:

  • Give out I'm a road safety hero stickers to any students who use the road patrol crossing that day (these will be available to download from the Road Safety Week action pack, and hard-copy versions available from the Brake shop).

  • Celebrate your road patrollers and present them with Road Safety Hero certificates (available in the Road Safety Week action pack) as part of an assembly.

  • Make it a walk/wheel to school day and encourage other students to walk, cycle or scoot to school. They could also dress up too.

  • Have milo or hot chocolate available on arrival at school for those students who walked, cycled or scooted to school that morning, and for your road patrollers.

  • Use the lesson plans and other resources in the Road Safety Week action pack to run activities.


Brake is a charity and we rely on donations and fundraising to help us continue our work. If you're able to fundraise as part of your Road Patrol Superhero Day, we are very grateful. You could make it a fundraiser by:

  • Turning it into a sponsored event

  • Students bring in a gold coin donation

  • Hold a bake sale as part of your activities

Get more fundraising ideas.

Share what you did!

We would love you to share details of what you did, and photos with us, so we can publicise activities. You can tag us in posts on social media @brakenewzealand, or share images/video/text with us directly by sending them to In order to use photos, we need your permission to be able to share them.


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