Go Yellow
Go Yellow in Road Safety Week and help to raise awareness of road safety and the devastating consequences of road crashes.
The Yellow Ribbon Road Safety Alliance supports Road Safety Week. The Alliance is a group of organisations committed to raising road safety awareness and working to make roads safer. It uses the yellow ribbon, and the colour yellow, as a symbol and commitment to road safety.
There are lots of ways you can support Road Safety Week and raise awareness of road safety using the colour yellow:
Hold a Go Yellow Bright Day, where everyone comes in wearing yellow. Or if you're running a Beep Beep! Day in Road Safety Week, it's easy to turn this yellow too.
Wear a yellow ribbon or yellow ribbon pin to show your support.
Display a yellow ribbon on/in your building or vehicle. (If displaying on vehicles, ensure you are displaying in line with vehicle safety requirements for all motor vehicles or Heavy Motor Vehicles).
Light a building, bridge or other icon in yellow for the week.
Yellow icons
A number of buildings, bridges and other icons around the country have previously lit yellow for Road Safety Week. These have included:
Vector Lights Auckland Harbour Bridge - Auckland
Anzac Parade Bridge - Hamilton
#LoveTaupo sign - Taupo
Yellow ribbons in shop windows - Otorohanga
Clock tower - New Plymouth
Trees - Inglewood
Glockenspiel Clock - Stratford
Water tower - Hawera
Clock tower - Carterton
Town square - Masterton
The Fantail - Upper Hutt
The Michael Fowler Centre - Wellington
Opera House - Oamaru
Trees - Queenstown
Road Safety Hero Award
The Alliance also presents an award annually during Road Safety Week to a Road Safety Hero; someone who has gone above and beyond to make a difference to road safety.
The 2025 Award is open for entries. Nominations close on 30 April.