Our theme for 2025:
Road Safety Heroes

The theme of Road Safety Week 2025 (12-18 May) is Be a road safety hero, recognising everyone who help to make our roads safer and support people after a crash, and explaining how we can all play a part in making journeys safer for everyone. It will also be a UN Global Road Safety Week, and some of the hero messaging will link to the global theme.
Everyone can be a Road Safety Hero. Road Safety Week 2025 recognises everyone who is working to make our roads safer and support people following crashes - from emergency services to health professionals, transport engineers to school crossing patrols, road workers to community campaigners. It also enables everyone who uses roads to understand how they can take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.
During Road Safety Week you can:
Celebrate the work of people who help to reduce casualties and care for people affected by crashes.
Speak up for everyone's right to make safe and healthy journeys where they live.
Join our community of road safety heroes.
Find ideas for getting involved in Road Safety Week:
Speak up for safe and healthy journeys
Safe journeys happen when we design our road transport network so that human error doesn't result in death or serious injury. This approach of safety by design is known as the Safe System approach and the great news is that the solutions are known and available to us now! From safety technology in vehicles, to safety features like median barriers on roads, we can all learn about, shout about and celebrate these proven solutions.
The theme of the UN Global Road Safety Week focuses on designing transport systems with people at the centre, particularly to protect the most vulnerable road users, like those on foot and bike. Some of our hero messages during Road Safety Week will focus on these issues, to tie in with the Global Week too.
Shout out for road safety heroes
Celebrate the people who really make a difference to YOU. The school crossing patrol that helps your children travel to school safely. Someone who campaigned for a safe cycle path where you live. Or someone who helped you after a crash. This is a great opportunity to tell someone how grateful you are.