Road Safety Week for communities
Community groups, clubs and campaigners can all get involved in Road Safety Week. Register now to receive your free action pack once they are available.
Road safety is a community issue. Everyone has the right to make safe and healthy journeys where they live but traffic speed and a lack of safe places to walk and cycle affect many communities across NZ.
Road Safety Week is the ideal time to get together with people in your community and shout out for safer roads where you live and fundraise to support people affected by road crashes.
Access Road Safety Week resources
Free action pack
Sign up for a free electronic action pack full of downloadable resources and activity ideas.
Hard copy resources
In addition to the electronic action pack, you can order low-cost hard copy resources for your activities.
Interactive games
Access our free interactive games.
Go Yellow
The Yellow Ribbon Alliance supports Road Safety Week and aims to raise awareness of road safety through use of the colour yellow. An easy way to get involved in Road Safety Week is to Go Yellow! Dress up in yellow, wear a yellow ribbon pin or display a yellow ribbon. Get more ideas to go yellow.
Activity ideas
There are lots of different ways to take part in Road Safety Week.
Register for Road Safety Week and we'll send you a free, online action pack, full of advice, ideas and activities to help you get involved.
Celebrate your local road safety heroes and/or nominate them to be recognised nationally online or through the Road Safety Hero Award. Find out more.
Run an awareness campaign on social media asking people to share their views on the safety of streets in your area.
Print and display the free posters in your action pack in community centres, local shops, noticeboards or religious centres.
Set up a road safety walk as a group, as a family, or as an individual.
Encourage local schools and childcare centres to run Road Safety Week activities such as lessons and assemblies where possible, or work with them to design some activities looking at local issues.
Identify a road that you know has problems, for example the traffic speed is making it difficult for children to walk and cycle to school. Arrange a media photo call to happen near but safely away from that road (e.g. behind school railings), to highlight the issue. Take a look at our community campaign kit for more ideas on campaigning locally.
Take part in one of our great fundraising activities to support Brake's vital work to make roads safer for all and provide support to people affected by road death and serious injury.
Publicise your Road Safety Week events and activities on social media using #RoadSafetyWeek, with a link to this website.
Write about local road safety issues or events on your organisation’s website.
Send emails to people in your community about Road Safety Week.
Keep your messages simple. If offering road safety advice, stick to the basic life-saving messages. Pass on the rules of the Brake Pledge. For our mascot Zak the Zebra's advice for young children and parents, click here.
Your free online action pack provides information to help you run these and other activities!
Support Brake's work
Every week people are killed and seriously injured on our roads. Each crash is a tragedy, each death and serious injury is preventable.
Brake's vision is a world with zero road deaths and serious injuries where everyone moves in a safe and healthy way, as part of our normal day. Help us achieve this goal. Donate today!