About Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week is coordinated annually by Brake and involves hundreds of schools, organisations and communities each year.
Brake is a road safety charity that works to prevent road deaths and injuries, make streets and communities safer, and supports the victims of road crashes. Brake started Road Safety Week in New Zealand in 2012 as an annual event to raise awareness and promote steps that everyone can take to stop these needless deaths and injuries year-round. Brake has also coordinated Road Safety Week in the UK since 1997.
Road Safety Week aims to inspire communities to take action on road safety and promote life-saving messages during the Week and beyond. It also provides a focal point for professionals working in road safety to boost awareness and engagement in their work.
All sorts of people get involved - schools, childcare centres, youth groups, community campaigners, employers, emergency services, local councils, driving instructors... you name it!
Your involvement could be as simple as promoting the week in your school/organisation's newsletter and putting up the posters from your action pack. You could run road safety activities, run an event or team up with others in your area to launch a local campaign. You could also use the Week to support Brake's work, while also raising awareness of the road safety cause, by fundraising or making a donation.
Everyone who registers to take part will receive our downloadable action pack, containing guidance and resources to help you run your event.
But Road Safety Week is your week, so what you do is your choice! We are always impressed at the creative ideas communities come up with to get life-saving messages across.
Each year we choose a theme to focus our media campaign on: read about this year's theme. You can focus your activities during the Week on our main theme or any other road safety issue that's important in your area.
Road Safety Week is kindly sponsored by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and Beca and supported by a number of agencies and organisations. Thank you to all of them!
Find out more about Brake's work at www.brake.org.nz and register now to be part of Road Safety Week.